Signs You Need to See a Periodontist

If you’re prone to periodontal disease, you’re not alone. Every year, millions of people experience tooth loss because of several gum diseases, also called as periodontal diseases.

The gum conditions may vary from mild inflammation to severe infection. Gingivitis is the mildest form of the gum or periodontal disease. Often, many people don’t even realize that they have gum disease because in the earliest stages there are hardly any noticeable symptoms.

With the rise in gum diseases, the number of periodontists in Norwalk are also many. The following are some of the common signs of gum disease that indicate you need to see a periodontist for diagnosis and possible treatment.

#1. Persistent bad breath – If you experience persistent bad breath even after brushing and flossing, it is an alarming sign that you should fix an appointment with your periodontist. Bad breath generally caused due to the uncontrolled amount of harmful bacteria that has infected the gum tissues.

#2. Bleeding gum – If your gums are bleeding while brushing and flossing, there is a possibility you are having plaque buildup in between your teeth that have infected and inflamed your gum tissue. One should never ignore gum bleeding it may be an indication towards some serious issue.

#3. Receding Gums – Do you feel that your teeth are longer the same as they used to be because the gum tissues have withdrawn from the roots of your teeth? This may be because you have receding gums resulted from gingivitis, the mildest form of gum disease. Although gingivitis is considered to be mild gum disease, it also needs to be treated as it can lead to a more serious form of gum disease which may cause you tooth loss if left untreated.

#4. Tooth sensitivity – Receding gums is a gradual process that often goes unnoticed for several years. If your teeth are sensitive to extreme hot or cold temperatures, then you might have gum recession to the extent that the root of your teeth are exposed and susceptible to infection.

#5. Sore and soft gums – Healthy gums feel firm and elastic on touch and are light pink in color. On the contrary, if your gums feel soft, sore or mushy on touch and are red in color you definitely need to schedule an appointment with a periodontist. Ignorance of these signs would cause you a tooth loss.

Are you searching for the best periodontists in Norwalk? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Michael Sonick now. They have some of the experienced dentists and periodontists to provide comprehensive oral care.