Dr. Michael Sonick

Let us take care of you and your smile.

Pinhole Surgical Technique For Receding Gums — March 5, 2020

Pinhole Surgical Technique For Receding Gums

Gum problems are the most commonly ignored dental issues and it affects more than 85 % of adults in America. If you have receding gums, we know how painful it can be. Although if the condition is mild or not so serious, it can be treated without any professional treatment. But in severe cases, you will require a pinhole surgical technique, laser gum surgery or LANAP. 

Over time, receding gums may lead to teeth sensitivity and pain. It causes tooth loss if left untreated.

What is gum recession?

Receding gums, also known as the gingival recession, is a common problem among adults in the US where gum recession condition involves having horse-like teeth that get longer and longer. In this condition, the gum tissue surrounding the tooth moves away or wear away from its original place. As a result, it creates pockets between the tooth and gums. These pockets are prone to infection, plague and bacteria.

When you are suffering from gum recession, the roots of your teeth become more exposed. You will also develop teeth sensitivity to hot and cold foods if you have gum recession. 

What Causes Receding Gums?

  • Receding gums can be caused due to a number of reasons:
  • an aggressive or too much brushing.
  • Periodontal disease.
  • Lack of proper dental care.
  • Teeth grinding

What is the effective treatment for gum recession?

Today, gum recession methods have evolved and use minimally invasive methods to treat receding gums. Pinhole technique has successfully replaced the old soft-tissue grafting as it used to cause significant pain during the procedure. Soft-tissue grafting had stitches involved in the procedure. 

As compared to painful traditional gum surgeries used for treating gum recession, the pinhole technique is minimally invasive and very less painful. This technique proceeds by creating a pinhole in the gum tissue which is affected. In this hole, a device is placed to stretch the gum onto a suitable position on the tooth. After that, collagen strips are placed into the pinhole of the gums. This makes the process advance in a much minimally invasive way. Over time, new tissue will create under it and will be placed onto its new place. 

The Pinhole Surgical Technique is a faster, less painful, and long-term solution if you are dealing with receding gums.

Types of Dental Emergencies that require instant dental care — January 15, 2020

Types of Dental Emergencies that require instant dental care

Like any other medical emergencies, you can also seek emergency dental clinic services for dental emergencies. But not all dental issues come under dental emergencies, some of these are mentioned below.

Types of Dental Emergencies

  • chipped front teeth
  • acute sensitivity
  • broken fillings
  • broken crowns
  • local swelling
  • facial swelling
  • pain at night
  • painful wisdom teeth

For the above-mentioned issues, you can get in touch with proficient experts available at an emergency dental clinic who are well equipped to provide you with the best dental care. Generally, emergency dental clinic services are available for 24×7 as dental emergencies can occur at any time. Here are a few of the dental emergencies elaborated below.

Broken or Chipped Teeth – It’s important to first rinse your mouth thoroughly and save any pieces of the tooth you may be able to collect. If there is bleeding, apply pressure to the area with gauze until the bleeding stops, which usually takes about 10 minutes or so. If there is swelling or you are in pain, gently apply a cold compress on the affected area.

Bleeding Gums, Cheek, Lips or Tongue – Dental emergencies include problems that occur in the rest of the mouth that may constitute a dental emergency as well. If you are experiencing bleeding as a result of an injury to the gums, cheek, lips or tongue, these steps can help:

Rinse your mouth with a mixture of water and salt to help sterilize the area.
Apply pressure to the bleeding site for 15-20 minutes using a piece of gauze.
Place a cold compress on the outside of the cheek or mouth to help alleviate pain and swelling. Keep the compress there for about 5-10 minutes.

If you ever face any of these situations, you can quickly visit an emergency dental clinic service. Sonick DMD can be your safest bet for emergency dental care at competitive prices.

Top 4 Advantages of Crown Lengthening In Connecticut — August 16, 2019

Top 4 Advantages of Crown Lengthening In Connecticut

You might have heard about many dental treatments, but does crown lengthening ring a bell? Most people are not aware of the term crown lengthening in Connecticut.  

Crown lengthening is a dental procedure that has saved at-risk teeth and restored the confidence of many by providing them a white, bright, and sturdy smile. 

Crown Lengthening Procedure in Connecticut

What does crown lengthening mean? 

In order to understand what exactly does crown lengthening mean, it is first essential to understand the terminologies associated with it. 

The part of the tooth that is bulging out of the gum and is visible is known as the “crown”. Before the root of the tooth begins, the teeth start to attach with the gum. While performing the crown lengthening treatment, the dental expert will eliminate the loose gum tissue very carefully to elongate the tooth. 

Why opt for crown lengthening in Connecticut? 

There are various reasons that explain the benefits of crown lengthening. The most common one’s are mentioned below: 


  • Prevention of deep decay: Have you ever wondered the reason behind your gummy smile? It is the presence of excessive gum tissue. Excessive gum tissue can make your teeth look small and ruin your smile. It is best to  consult a dentist who expertises in crown lengthening and get the extra gum tissue removed. 



  • Get rid of excessive gum show:  Excessive gum show can certainly take a toll on your smile. Get rid of this excessive gum tissue with the help of crown lengthening procedure. The dentist will remove the extra tissue and help you in getting the smile of your dreams. 



  • Quick procedure: Crown lengthening is a painless and quick procedure. It will only take around 40-60 minutes. After the procedure you will experience a symmetrical and bright smile. 


The presence of excessive loose gum tissue can take a toll on your smile. Not only this, it can have a great impact on the health of your teeth as well. Even if the condition of your teeth is great, the presence of excessive gum tissue may make them appear smaller. You might feel under confident in such a situation and think of ways of getting rid of the excessive gum tissue.  Crown Lengthening In Connecticut is your ideal choice in such a scenario. 


Crown Lengthening – What You Should Know? — July 18, 2019

Crown Lengthening – What You Should Know?

Do you feel shy and embarrassed to open your mouth or to laugh out loud due to unsatisfied smile? If so, why not go for crown lengthening? 

If you don’t know anything about crown lengthening, here are a few points to help you understand everything about this procedure. 


What do you understand by the term crown lengthening? 

Whether you have a broken, cracked or misshapen tooth, the most recommended dental procedure is crowing. In this procedure, a tooth shaped cap is adjusted just over your natural teeth for aesthetic or structural reasons. Moreover, these are used to complete dental procedures, such as bridges, root canals, and dental implants. Crowns are firmly affix to an existing tooth and the procedure takes less than an hour to get completed. 

    Why patient go for crown lengthening procedure

There are many reasons for which you might look for crown lengthening procedure, some have been covered here. 

  • First the procedure is quite essential if the patient does not have enough tooth in place to hold the crown on its own. 
  • If the teeth are broken or get infected due to tooth decay then it might prohibit the crown from firmly attaching.  
  • The process also helps in reducing the tissue and shaves down bone such that more of the tooth is visible above the gum’s surface. 
  • If the gums are visible above the teeth when smiling then also many people seek crown lengthening to alter a “gummy smile,”. 

How to prepare for a crown lengthening?

Until you have the procedure done, dental surgeon may fit you with a temporary crown. This helps in protecting your tooth in the interim and can make the fitting of your new crown easier.

Before the surgery, the periodontist will ask you about your medical history and view your X-rays. At this moment, you can discuss with your surgeon about any medications you are taking and the doctor may recommend you to start or stop the medication. 

Hope the above information has provided you with the required information on Crown Lengthening in Connecticut. 

Best Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures for a Smile Makeover in Fairfield — July 2, 2019

Best Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures for a Smile Makeover in Fairfield

Tooth extractions, root canals, and other dental procedures are what usually come to mind when talking about oral health.

Although oral health is a priority in dentistry, aesthetics is also essential. This is one of the main reasons why people opt for cosmetic dentistry procedure and a smile makeover in Fairfield.


Dental implants, teeth whitening, crowns, veneers, and fillings are among the most famous cosmetic dentistry procedures. These procedures are done not just for aesthetic purposes but also for the restoration of damaged teeth.

The following blog will explain about the cosmetic dentistry procedures for a smile makeover in Fairfield.

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Bonding: This flexible cosmetic dentistry procedure is used for a lot of purposes. Whether you want to get rid of a gap between your teeth, fill in the cracks, or reconstruct a tooth that was chipped during a game, dental bonding can offer a reliable dental solution for you. In fact, almost all aspects of cosmetic dentistry involve some kind of bonding procedures.

Fillings: Fillings are used to even the surface of damaged teeth. These damages take place because of tooth decay and cavities. Most dentists recommend dental fillings instead of extraction to save the teeth. However, if the teeth are damaged beyond repair, they will have to be taken out.


Multiple Tooth Implant
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Veneers: As the name suggests, a veneer is a thin layer that is applied on the surface of the tooth to fix issues like stains and cracks. Veneers are basically made of a porcelain material that is of the same color as the patient’s tooth. Once veneers are applied, the tooth look flawless and natural at the same time.

Crowns: The application of dental crowns is pretty much like the application of dental fillings. In fact, many people use these two terms interchangeably. Before putting in a dental crown, the decayed tooth has to be cleaned out thoroughly to eliminate all risks of infection.

These are some of the procedures that are used during the process of smile makeover in Fairfield. All these procedures are very effective in enhancing the smile of an individual. Although these treatments are done in various sittings, there are people who prefer to have a combination of cosmetic dentistry procedures done in a single sitting.

5 Ways to Get Low Cost Dental Implants in Connecticut — June 21, 2019

5 Ways to Get Low Cost Dental Implants in Connecticut

Do you know Americans lose nearly $8 billion to healthcare and dental frauds each year? And the most notorious dental frauds happen with dental implants. There are many dentists who provide their patients with poor quality dental implants in Connecticut at very high prices.

There is no doubt that dental implants are costly dental solutions as compared to other traditional methods. But when it comes to finding quality dental implants in Connecticut, make sure you don’t fall prey to such fraudsters and make a mindful decision.


Whether you’re new to Connecticut or its your first time to dental implants, below are the top 5 ways to get affordable dental implants in Connecticut.

Compare your preferred choices – To get dental implants at the best rates, you should compare your preferred dentists in terms of quality of the services and estimated cost of the necessary consultations, including anesthesia, imaging, surgery, modeling, and materials. And make sure you choose the one that offers quality dental implant services at an affordable price.

Location matters – Well, the cost of dental implants can vary significantly from one location to another. And by choosing the geographic area with reasonable dental implants, you can save money. For example, dentists in urban areas have a higher cost of living and higher dental services costs as compared to small cities. This will result in dental care providers charging you higher prices for dental implants services.

Travel abroad – If want to take your dental implants search a step ahead, dental tourism is the best option to get dental services at low costs. There are several developing countries, such as Costa Rica, Mexico, Hungary and various Asian countries that offer dental implant services for a fraction of the price than in developed countries like the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Look for dental societies and charitable organizations – Yes, you read it right! There are some dental societies and non-profitable charitable organizations that offer dental solutions at a very low price or free for patients with low income. These associations also provide patients with free care in specific demographic groups like disable people, victims of domestic violence, children and women.

Financing – Some companies such as Care Credit finance patients for dental work. Hence, a patient can receive Dental Implants in Connecticut and can pay back through monthly payments with the applicable fees and interest. To qualify for this type of loan, you should have a decent credit score.

Please remember, asking other people for money isn’t always the right solution, especially for a personal health issue. These ways will definitely help you get dental implant services at a very low price or sometimes even free.


Dental Implants: Things to know before you get one! — June 6, 2019

Dental Implants: Things to know before you get one!

A few years ago, the only procedure to deal with tooth or teeth loss was dental bridges or removable dentures. And, it was quite frustrating to maintain them. Also, let’s not forget about the discomfort it comes with.

Thanks to medical science, now we’ve dental or tooth implants in Fairfield to deal with various dental issues, such as decay or missing tooth.

But what exactly is dental implant?

As per the Academy of General Dentistry,  it is an artificial tooth root that your dentist places into your jaw. It is used to offer support to a crown, or bridges. If you’re planning to get a dental implant, you must first check if it’s the right option for you or not. Or what benefits it offers.

This is why it is recommended to go for oral and dental examination to determine if you’re the candidate to get an implant or not.

Here are some of the major benefits of dental implants.

  • They almost look like your natural teeth
  • They are permanent and stable
  • And they don’t depend on neighboring teeth for support.

Once it’s confirmed that it’s the right dental treatment option for you, here are few things you need to know about dental implants.

What are dental implants made of?

Dental implants are usually made of different types of metals and ceramic materials that are compatible with jawbone and body tissue.

How do implants work?

Surgically anchored, implants can be used to hold cemented bridges, which eliminate the need for a denture. Although they are expensive, implants and bridges are the most safest and permanent option to replace a missing or decayed tooth (teeth).

How long the process usually take?

The whole process of a dental implant can usually take up to 9 months for completion. But the healing time varies from person to person. Once your implant and posts are anchored surgically, the healing process may take nearly 6 months and the fitting of replacement teeth about 2 months.

What is the success rate of dental implants?

Well, the success rate of dental implants is 90-95%. However, the success rate depends on your health condition, the location of the missing tooth and the purpose of the missing tooth.

What is the cost of implants?

Dental implants are expensive than traditional procedures such as bridge and removable dentures. But nowadays, some dental procedures and parts of the restorations are covered under dental and medical health insurance. Do talk to your dentist to confirm whether or not they accept insurance.

How to care for implants?

One of the biggest reasons for implants failure is poor oral hygiene. Therefore, to get the best of your dental implants, you must brush and floss regularly around the fixtures two times a day. And follow your dentist instructions on how to care for your implants.

Hopefully, this post helps you understand about dental implants before you fix an appointment with your dentist. Remember, the final results also depend on your dentist. This means you must choose an experienced and board-certified dentist that offers tooth implants in Fairfield and provide quality services.

What do you understand by Multiple Tooth Implant and how it is carried out? — May 20, 2019

What do you understand by Multiple Tooth Implant and how it is carried out?

Have you lost several teeth in the past few years? If so, you might be looking for the best teeth replacement option to fill the gaps and be able to eat properly again.

For the past few years, people have been using dentures and bridges to fill the gaps. However, thanks to the advancement in dentistry, you can now use multiple tooth implants for teeth replacement. Unlike dentures, they don’t move or shift from their position and allow you to eat, speak and smile with complete confidence.

Multiple Tooth Implant is just like any other surgery that helps in the restoration of one or multiple teeth. In this process, the supported bridges are replaced with a new set of teeth that do not need support from adjacent natural teeth. Like any other surgeries, multiple tooth implant also needs 5 -7 recovery day to subside all the symptoms.   


Who can get multiple tooth implant?

You can choose multiple tooth implant option if:

  • You have sufficient bone in the jaw to support implants
  • You have overall decent physical health
  • You have one or more missing teeth
  • You have a damaged tooth
  • You have good oral hygiene

The number of implants you get

Sinus lift: As the name suggests, in this implant the sinus membrane is lifted in order to fit the additional bone. With the help of this surgery, additional bone is added to the upper jaw using patient’s molars and premolars.   

Bone Grafting: When your jawbone is not thick enough, it is required to secure an implant. When you chew, it puts a lot of pressure on the bone and it needs to be as strong as possible. Bone Grafting helps in making your bone strong.

Osseointegration: This is the process where jawbone gets integrated with implants.  

How multiple tooth implant is carried out?

In the first stage, the implants that appear like screws or cylinders are placed into the jaws. The implants are allowed to bond together for another two to six months. And in the meantime, temporary teeth replacement can be used to cover the implant sites.  

Once the temporary healing caps complete the foundation than in the second stage the implants and extensions are uncovered. In just a couple weeks, the gums heal; nowadays, there is an implant system that doesn’t even require the second stage.

In the final stage, the dentist will create bridges to attach the small metal post called abutments. And, soon you will get a bright and healthy smile. If you are looking for multiple tooth implant in Fairfield CT, contact Sonick DMD They have a team of expert dental specialist and oral surgeons. For further details Call: 203.254.2006.

Things that dentist expect from you at time of tooth implant — May 9, 2019

Things that dentist expect from you at time of tooth implant

Tooth Decay is one of the main reasons for tooth loss for most of the people. Moreover, there have been cases where the injuries have led to the loss of the tooth. Tooth loss can lead to various health disease. Hence, it is very important to have a new set of teeth or go for a tooth implant surgery.Moreover, if you are planning for tooth implants, you need to aware of some of the things that your dentist expects for you.

 Multiple Tooth Implant

Given below are some of them: 

The dental implant is an outpatient procedure:That means you will walk in, walk out of the dentist’s room, and go home the same day. However, because of the drugs used to numb the pain, you may need to have someone drive you home. Alternatively, you should consider using a taxi service to get to your destination.

Try not to chafe the embed:You will normally want to jab around the embed with your fingers or tongue. Notwithstanding, that is a terrible choice. Extraordinary consideration ought to be taken to guarantee you stay away from any contact with the embed. Give it an opportunity to settle to guarantee that it doesn’t move out of position.

Utilize a non-rough substance for dental cleanliness:A standout amongst the best alternatives to keep your mouth clean is salt water. Utilize some salt water to wash out any plaque development. Maintain a strategic distance from any toothbrush for half a month. It could disturb the embed and move it out of position.

Watch out for your embed:Try not to accept that any swelling or draining is typical. In the event that you see the gums starting to change shading, it may be an indication of disease. The individual will prompt you on the best arrangement before your whole jaw winds up tainted.

Bone grafting may be needed in some cases:If the tooth removed has caused the jaw to become infected then bone grafting is needed. Where the metal implant is to be placed, the bone graft helps to create more bone mass. A bone graft may not even be needed.

To heal implant needs a specific period :It takes about six months for the metal implant to become fully set in the jawbone; with good bone mass, the next step can take place in a week or on the same day. This only applies to young people in the prime of their youth.
If you are looking for an tooth implant dentist in Fairfield, contact Sonick DMD They have a team of expert dental specialist and oral surgeons. For further details Call: 203.254.2006.

What are the procedures that are carried out at time of crown lengthening? — April 26, 2019

What are the procedures that are carried out at time of crown lengthening?

Due to cruciate alignment or broken tooth, you might feel ashamed to laugh loud in public and crowd. If the visibility of your teeth above the gum is almost negligible or you the one with a gummy smile, then it’s time for you to look for crown lengthening surgery. The surgery is recommended when your tooth breaks off at the gum line or when the crown or filling gets dislodged from the tooth resulting in tooth decay. Surely, with the help of crown lengthening in Connecticut you can smile without any fear and shame.


Today, we will give you an insight into crown lengthening procedure along with its benefits that you can reap after the complete procedure:

For crown lengthening process to get you the desired results, the dental surgeon needs to remove soft gum tissues that considerably exposes some amount of the tooth. After removal of gum tissues, to fix the distorted tooth the dentist will place a filling or crown. In this manner, experts with the help of crown lengthening will be able to correct your gummy smile and other issues.    

The crown lengthening procedure starts with the first visit to a periodontist where your complete medical history and X-rays is reviewed, and based on the reports a particular date of surgery is decided. Followed by this, the dental cleaning procedure is carried out to remove the stains, and after all the procedure is carried out by the dentist, only then it is confirmed that your tooth requires a crown or not. After this, the problem is fixed by a temporary crown.

Amazing benefits of dental cleaning

The complete procedure of crown lengthening takes around 3 months. The temporary crown comes with other benefits as well, the procedure becomes slightly easy because the Periodontist will be able to gauge the amount of soft tissue or bone to be removed. The complete healing process takes 90 days, and in meanwhile a new temporary crown is made to fit the lengthened tooth.   

With the help of anesthesia, the complete procedure is carried out so you need not be scared while undergoing dental surgery. The number of teeth to be treated by crown lengthening process determines the length of the treatment, and you also need to understand that even for single tooth crown you have to carry out lengthening for adjacent tooth too. In this manner, the gum tissues are reshaped, and your periodontist will make the necessary changes with the cuts in your gums.  As of end result, you get exposed root and the bone that surrounds it.

Remember crown lengthening is a quick dental procedure, and if you are looking for reliable as well as experienced crown lengthening service in Connecticut, then contact Sonick DMD. For further details call 203.254.2006